What is the discount of the total amount you will get? (Better discounts than other suppliers from China for sure.)
Every customers, after a period of time updated, official website of KALENJEWELRY.COM has basically complete. It made many inconvenience of the purchasing for everyone at the earlier. We make our apologize here for everyone. In order to thank your supports all the time, we have more promotion programs at our website. If order over USD300, we will send a small gift to you by free. Welcome to experience. You can find you favorite jewelry styles in our catalogue; also, you can send your samples or pictures and some related information to us for order. We will do our best to offer you our best service. Important Notice Not all of items will be in stock when placing the order, usually is about 75%--85% will have, so the order process is as following: after we get your placed order from our website, we will e-mail you the confirmed order in Proforma Invoice with shipping cost within 1-2 days, so as to inform you which items are still in stock of your order and can be sent to you after payment; please kindly note all of this, thanks a million in advance. (We really have thousands of different styles, so it is too hard for us to keep all at stock, etc.; therefore, buying stock items is like this: we only can send what we have in stock to you of the items that you want to buy, only can send the ones that in stock when you order at that time.) |